Event Resources


Resources are a collection of items that can be associated with an event to provide to anyone registered to the event. They are a handy way of attaching pages on your site such as frequently asked questions, uploaded documents or even link to external events.

Assigning resources

Resources are located on the bookign panel for the event. To find the booking panel:

  1. Navigate to the event you wish to assign the resources to
  2. Click on the settings button
  3. Select Attendee settings
  4. Scroll down to resources
  5. Select the type of resource you want to add
  6. Select the resource or enter the url for the external link - ensuring you add https:// before the link.
  7. Click the add resource button
  8. Scroll up and save the event.

Event Resources

Removing a resource

To remove a resource click on the x at the end of the the file name and the resource will be no longer assigned to that event.

Resource Types

  • Page Any page on your site.
  • Document Any image or pdf uploaded to the media manager.
  • External Link The relative transparency of the colour overlay used in the header. Values include

Viewing resources on the registration page

Registration page resources

Once resources have been added to an event they can be seen on the resources tab for the registration page once the user has signed up.

When the user clicks on the resource the resource will be opened in a new tab in the browser.

Member only resources

In some cases you may want to share a locked page with a user. A locked page is a page on your site that is restricted from public viewing. The page is only available to users within a specific user group.